How Technology is Transforming ABA Therapy Delivery in Ontario

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How Technology is Transforming ABA Therapy Delivery in Ontario

ABA Therapy


If your child is on the Autism Spectrum, or diagnosed with ASD, ABA therapy is something that can help the growth and development of your child. ABA therapy proposes that the environment shapes behavior and that learning and reinforcement can alter those behaviours. ABA therapy aims to enhance the independence and autonomy of individuals diagnosed with ASD, especially in areas such as communication, social skills, and life skills. ABA is one of the most effective and evidenced-based therapies for children on the spectrum.

Technology in healthcare and therapy settings has been advancing in many different ways. This includes Telehealth and technological changes to support various roles in healthcare and therapy. Many private and public ABA therapy centers are providing telehealth services and creating more individualized treatments for better data collection and ways to challenge learners across various settings.

Current ABA Therapy Delivery vs Evolving Practices

Currently, publicly funded ABA therapy is provided to those registered with the Ontario Autism Program (OAP). In the past few years, the waitlists for ABA therapy have been bottlenecking and worsening as the number of children on the waitlist supersedes the amount being approved and serviced. The most recent trends show that 73, 031 children are on the waitlist compared to the 14,113 children who are given funding for services. The demand for services is increasing and accessibility is still available through private services.

The challenges that come across in traditional ABA therapy include accessibility due to location, waitlists, and costs, consistency across services as well as inconsistent data collection. The evidence shows that there is demand throughout Ontario for personalized programs, data-driven approaches as well as scalable solutions. As there is a gap in the availability of trained professionals who provide ABA therapy, technology can help minimize these gaps and address the demand in Ontario.

Benefits of Tele-health and technology-based interventions

  1. Increased Accessibility – there is more accessibility to services due to accessing these services online, through various methods and means.  
  2. Improved Consistency and less risk of human error – The consistency and reliability of technology are shown to be effective and are less risky than human error in data collection, and analysis.
  3. Better Outcomes Through Data-Driven Insight –  baseline measures can predict expected outcomes, in order for behavior analysts to assess the effectiveness of interventions and allow for data-driven decisions to modify treatment plans to suit these interventions.

Technology within ABA Therapy

Tele-health/Remote Therapy

Tele-health is not a new practice in behaviour therapy, however tele-health or remote therapy looks at advancements in technology, that allow those providing various services and providing care to reinforce those in need of care. Tele-practice can be shown in various ways including online, telephone conferences, video conferencing, or written formats such as email.

Here are some organizations that help to provide options for telehealth ABA programs in Ontario: 

  1. Ontario Autism Program (OAP) – Telehealth Services
  2. Autism Ontario

Here are some service providers that also provide tele-health services in Ontario: 

  1. Kerry’s Place Autism Service
  2. My ABA Therapist
  3. Centria Health Care
  4. Bloom Autism Services 
  5. Abilitas Solutions

The Association of Professional Behaviour Analysis (2020) shares that tele-health practices are safe and effective in providing ABA assessments and interventions. Many studies showcase that telehealth services can be effective in implementing different ABA services including functional analysis, functional communication training, naturalistic teaching, parent-mediated interventions or parent training or caregiver coaching, which help with challenges in behaviour, communication skills, increased knowledge for the parents and allows for implementing various strategies of ABA techniques at home.

Not only are tele-health services safe and effective, but many other pieces of evidence show that include reduced costs of services, minimized travel burden especially when transitions are hard for your child, remote training for behavior analysts, as well as a lot more access to care.

Data collection is of importance in ABA therapy as if data is not accurate it creates errors in treatment goals and plans. Accuracy and reliability are impertinent in the quality of evidence presented through the data received. With Manual Data collection or written data, it is hard to achieve that reliability and accuracy.

Mobile Apps for Data Collection and Analysis

Mobile apps are imperative in having data collected during therapy sessions, all in one place. This helps in having accurate and concise data collection. The BCBA that works with you and your child should be able to work with you and set you up on the data collection system that is provided in therapy for them. The benefits of using mobile apps and data tracking include tracking behaviours in real-time, minimizing paperwork, and better outcomes for the treatment plan.

Some of the popular apps used in Ontario include: 

  1. Catalyst
  2. ABA Data Collector
  3. CentralReach
  4. Rethink 
  5. DataFinch Technologies

All of these apps can be found on both IOS and Android. It is helpful to both the Behaviour Analysts and parents as all data is collected within the system. It allows for all the data to be stored in one place. Ask your therapist if they can allow you to see what data collection method is being used.

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) Tools

According to Western University, VR and AR tools are creating waves in helping provide a safe space and controlled environment for children on the spectrum by simulating real-world experiences, to provide practice of social skills, sensory integration, and modeling behaviours without real-life exposure.

By generating visual and auditory stimuli, VR technology generates artificial environments that can simulate real-world scenes, with realistic images or other sensations surrounding the user. An augmented reality experience provides artificial visual and auditory information overlaid on real-world environments.

An example of a VR tool created by Naimul Khan, shares a VR game “Subway Sensations,” to experience riding the subway virtually and look at what creates the stress for the child. This game can be adapted so clinicians or therapists can view and compare data with previous game sessions through the dashboard. It has been shared that the usability of this game came out earlier this year, and is being trialled by the Autism Research Centre at Holland Bloorview Hospital.

An Augmented Reality tool shared by CalgaryU explores the use of Microsoft’s augmented reality (AR) device called HoloLens 2, paired with a system, team paired the system with a created device called HoloBoard, to help non-speaking ASD children or adults with communication alternatives to enhance their motor skills.

These improvements are life-changing and help in various areas for communication, sensory experiences and so much more.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

As one may know, AI is taking over. AI can be used in many healthcare settings and the use of AI has led to improvements in the diagnosis of individuals with autism spectrum disorder, the automation of data collection, the personalization of interventions, and the analysis of intervention effectiveness by clinicians. Further, recently published papers outline numerous ways in which AI can be used to provide ABA services across the entire behavioral health care continuum in areas where AI is not currently being utilized. It is only the beginning for AI to enhance the ABA field.

As AI software becomes more advanced, it could help ABA therapists to develop breakthroughs in the field and help many people live more fulfilling lives, by recognizing patterns and instruments to enhance professional motivations.

ABA data analytics is time-consuming and challenging, especially if large amounts of data are involved. An ABC (Antecedent-Behaviour-Consequence) method or a scatterplot can be time-consuming. Besides error, manual data analysis is always at risk of human bias. With AI, large volumes of data can be analyzed quickly and efficiently. There are AI tools that can provide data and analyze them in seconds, which could take weeks for some people to analyze.

Machine Learning (ML) can be noted to help earlier diagnoses, help with automated predictions of trends based on historical data, and help clinicians identify when a client might require a change in therapy or a new intervention approach.

With innovations of AI and ML, clinical trials for BrainCo’s new initiative called, Cambridge StarKids Autism Rehabilitation Center, in the UK are deploying a new kind of autism intervention that combines a non-invasive EEG headband with computer-based games, activities, and exercises. Used in conjunction with other behavioral therapies, the system allows therapists to gain new insights and understanding of the individual’s real-time brain activity and track their progress as they build skills such as learning how to interact with others, reading facial expressions, and maintaining eye contact.

In Ontario, trials of VR and AI are interconnected, as Kieva Hranchuk (St Lawrence College), and Marc Lanovz (Universite de Montreal), work on trials to see how effective behavioural interventions can be using Machine Learning and results showed fewer decision-making errors.

Barriers to Technology in ABA Therapy

  1. Overcoming technological barriers – this includes access to the internet for families, affordability of technology, and access to VR/AR and AI systems that may be trending toward the future of ABA therapy.
  2. Human Approach – While bias is a concern in ABA, the concern of human touch and interactions is crucial for therapy and the effectiveness of therapy.
  3. Training – Training for parents and children for technology and technology-assisted devices, as well as training for Behaviour therapists, analysts, and families.
  4. Ethical Considerations/ Privacy and Data Breaches –  Biased models, data privacy, and security are crucial in understanding how AI is built and used in a construct related to children on the spectrum. HIPAA-compliant services are required to input confidential information as well.

The Future of ABA Therapy in Ontario

The emerging trends to look forward to in ABA services include the integration of technology with in-person services. There is so much potential for innovative practices in the ABA field to help with the growth and development of your child and treatment goals to be more effective. Ontario is a leader in adopting technology in healthcare and therapy services, and the trials are showing great promise with VR/AR and AI interventions to support data collection in reliable means.


There is a great impact technology has on developing reliable and effective interventions for ABA therapy. The benefits include access to therapy at your fingertips as well as improvements and better results for treatment and data collection. It is important to know that although technology can improve ABA therapy, it is not a replacement for therapy. Human connection and social interaction are all part of the therapy process that improves the effectiveness of treatment goals and outcomes.

Call to Action

At The Insight Clinic, we have many therapists who can help you manage Autism Symptoms as well as provide resources for Autism & ABA therapy. If you are a parent struggling with managing the behaviours of a child with autism, are anxious, or are struggling with finding options, The Insight Clinic can provide you with a therapist to cope with the anxieties and struggles. You can reach out today to book an appointment with our skilled and trained therapists to help you gain understanding and develop healthier coping strategies when you are feeling anxious, or developing these maladaptive thought patterns.

In collaboration with The Insight Clinic, ABA Academy leads with a focus on excellence and focuses on providing individual ABA Interventions for your child’s growth in social, cognitive, emotional, and physical developmental growth and milestones. ABA Academy provides high-quality, individualized, and effective services to help your child grow and learn. Reach out today to see if ABA Academy is the right fit for your child’s ABA services.


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